Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Geckos

I work in a zoo by day, but what do I unwind with when I go home? I take care of more animals, of course! In my home, I care for my favorite species of lizards, geckos, and some skink species as well. 

My very first reptile was a green Anole. Although husbandry needs weren't well known or practiced at that time, "Gizard" lived more than 3 years in my care. He accompanied me throughout the home in my hair, assisting me in scaring my family and helping me be distracted from homework. My love for herps and all that crept and crawled was well documented throughout my childhood, but Gizard was truly my first lizard love. I still think of that little male with admiration. If I knew then what I know now, he would live an outstandingly enriched captive lifestyle. It is what we owe to them for being our captive counterparts, afterall.

My first geckos were gifts almost 10 years ago, long before I was a full time and salaried zoo keeper. Hardy and inquisitive, Leopard Geckos are the fire that ignited my current situation. Through trials and errors, I was able to learn about health, diseases, parasites, cleaning, dietary needs, and of course behavior. To the time of this post, I still own my first gecko, Multan. She lives on my desk, in an enclosure full of climbing, hiding and resting places. Her tail is fat, and when she claws the glass at me, I take her out to explore. 

When I first visited my family in West Palm, I happened by a pet store and was instantly drawn to the alien-like appearance of the Crested Gecko. I took one with me, and began the quest of finding out everything I could about this species. The variance of appearance, the texture of the skin (feels like a Tuatara, or a marshmallow for those who have never felt this rare reptile), and the vocalizing all are things I find most attractive about them. In time I sold most of my leopard geckos and moved to Florida from South Carolina. I began breeding Crested Geckos, and fell deeper in love with all things Rhacodactylus (and Correlophus and Mniarogekko). Breeding brought more knowledge, that I have been even able to bring with me to the zoo. The beauty of a healthy gecko, is that it is one that will create more healthy offspring for you to enjoy. Selling neonates to others that love the species allows me to buy more toys and food and enrichment items for my ever growing gecko family!

At the present time, I keep 7 species of geckos and 2 species of skinks. While I would not describe myself as the expert of this genera, I do find myself mastering this art more every day, and my knowledge is great. Years of experience continue to grow. I love my geckos! I hope that sharing this love with others will inspire them to be tolerant or even adore these amazing creatures.